About the Resource Manager Gadget
The Resource Manager gadget (not to be confused with the Resource Manager provisioning tool) enables you to remotely configure and administer the resources in your contact center system that you have permission to access.It can be resized and embedded in a dashboard, so you can use it as a side panel next to some charts and dashboards.
The gadget is also more flexible for browsing resources since it can build a list of resources in sub-folders below your selected folder, as well as the selected folder itself. This makes finding resources easier if you are not sure which folder they are located in or if you need to work with resources spread across multiple folders.
The main area of the gadget is taken up with the Resource Grid, which lists all resources in the selected folder and resource type. The grid is interactive, providing options to sort, filter and select columns to show. A Folder Tree panel can be opened on the left hand side for navigation, but it is collapsed by default. If you click on a resource, then its properties take over the main area of the gadget.
If a dashboard that includes the Resource Manager Gadget is saved, the gadget’s currently selected folder and resource type is saved as well. Upon opening the dashboard, the gadget always defaults to that folder and resource type for quick access.
In order to use the Resource Management Gadget, users need to have permission to manage resources. Typically, sufficient permissions are provided to those who belong to the Advanced Users default group in the folder in which the resources are located. Users must also be using Advanced Mode in order to have access to Dashboards and gadgets on the home page.
About Resources
Resources are the items in the contact center system which can be viewed and updated using Analytics.
There are two types of resource, remote resources and system resources.
Remote resources (sometimes called dimensions) are the resources that exist on the remote contact center equipment. Some remote resources can be created or edited in eGain Analytics and provisioned onto the remote equipment. Other remote resources can be viewed in eGain Analytics but cannot be created, edited or provisioned from eGain Analytics. All remote resources must be associated with a specific organization. Agents, skill groups, dialed numbers, bucket intervals and route partitions are examples of remote resources. Agents, skill groups, and dialed numbers are provisionable remote resources. Bucket intervals and route partitions are non-provisionable.
System resources (sometimes called eGain Analytics resources) are the resources that are local to eGain Analytics and are created and managed by eGain Analytics. They are not provisioned onto the remote contact center equipment. System resources may be associated with an organization but they do not need to be. Users, groups and folders are examples of system resources.
Security Requirements for the Resource Manager Gadget
To use gadgets and apps, you need the following permissions:
To browse gadgets and add them to your home page or run them from an app, a folder-based role that includes Browse Gadgets.
To browse and open apps containing gadgets, a folder-based role that includes Browse Apps.
To use the Resource Manager gadget you need:
A folder-based role that includes Browse Dimensions to list remote resources in the resource grid and to view their details.
A folder-based role that includes Manage Dimensions to edit or delete remote resources.
A global role that includes the appropriate Provision tasks to edit or delete remote resources. For example, to edit agents, you need a global role that includes Provision Agents.
Supported Resources
The Resource Manager gadget supports the following resources.
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