Common Details Panel Tabs
The following sections describe the contents of some tabs that are common to several resource types.
Details Tab
The Details tab is a form which contains a series of fields for information that belong to the resource, such as Name in the case of an Agent. Each field may be either mandatory, optional or read-only (that is,Analytics fills it in automatically). Each field has a help text item to guide the user on its use and an indication as to whether it is mandatory or not.
Associations Tabs
Depending on the type of resource there may be one or more association tabs that allow the user to associate other resources with this resource. For example, if a Skill Group has been selected then there is an Agents tab to allow the user to specify which agents are to be associated with this skill group.
The associations can usually be modified from either side of the association. For example, to add an Agent to a Skill Group you can either select the skill group and use the agents tab or select the agent and use the skill groups tab.
Each association tab has two sub-panels, one above the other. The top sub-panel shows the resource items that are already associated with this resource, the bottom sub-panel shows the available resources that may be added. The contents of this available items sub-panel is filtered by the logged in user's security permissions and any other pertinent business rule. For example, if adding Agents to a Skill Group then the sub-panel only shows those agents who are on the same peripheral as the skill group.
The user can move resource items between the bottom and top panes to make and break associations as required.
To improve performance, if there are many items to show, they are shown in pages. You can use the page numbers or the arrows at the bottom left of the panel to move through the pages.
Users can change the number of items shown in each page using Settings > User Settings > Data Paging Size.
Advanced Tab
Depending on the type of resource there may also be an advanced tab. This shows information that is normally set by the system but may be overridden by the user.
History Tab
This tab is only shown for remote resources, and only after they have been created in Analytics. It is not shown for a system resource, or when a remote resource is first created.
The history tab shows audit information for the resource.
Where an event involves another resource, for example adding an agent to a skill group, the resource is linked to in the description. If a drop-down arrow is shown beneath an event, you can click on it for more information (such as the user who performed the event). A Request event indicates a change made using Analytics's user interface; an Execution event indicates that the requested changes were successfully made on Unified CCE. Success or failure of the event is shown by a green tick or red cross.
If the audit history for a resource is long, you can use the Edit Filter link to show only certain events, such as unsuccessful change attempts.
Custom Data Tab
Some remote resources have a custom data tab, which enables you to specify your own key fields and corresponding values for these keys. Your system may be configured with default keys for some resource types. If so, resources of that type always include those keys, as well as any extra keys and values you specifically add to that resource.
Each resource can have a maximum of ten custom data keys. This total includes any default keys that are defined for that resource.
If a resource has several custom data keys, you can type a key value into the key text box to quickly show that key and the corresponding key value.
Some examples of how custom data can be used are:
To hold additional data about an agent that can be used for reporting (for example, Active Directory logon, business group, email address)
To hold information that links an agent with workforce management software, so eGain Analytics data can be merged with customer data for reporting
To hold emergency contact numbers that the system can be configured to notify if the service level drops below a certain threshold.
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