Viewing Resource Status

Status information is only available for provisionable remote resources (for example, agents, skill groups, precision queues). It is not available for eGain Analytics resources (for example, folders, users, groups) or for remote resources that cannot be provisioned using eGain Analytics (for example, media routing domains or scripts, or resources on systems where provisioning is not supported).

To see the current status of a resource:
  1. View the resource details (see Viewing and Editing Resources). The resource status is shown as an icon at the bottom of the details panel. This is green if the resource is Ready, orange if the resource is Pending Active and red if the resource is in the Error state. You may also see information about the status of related resources and memberships.

  2. If required, click the status icon to see the status dialog box, showing more information about the status of the resource and of any related resources or memberships. The status dialog box may also contain a Purge button if the resource is in the Error state or appears to be stuck in the Pending Active state. You can click this to purge a stuck resource (see Purging Resources).

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