About the Conversation Hub

The Conversation Hub is designed to maximize live engagement with customers through digital social channels and asynchronous messaging channels, similar to web chat. These channels can be configured to start with a Virtual Assistant (VA) before escalating to a live agent as needed.

Note that an active Tenant that has been configured in the Tenant Manager settings may be required to use the Conversation Hub’s features. For more information about Tenant ID configuration, see General Partition Settings.

Conversation Hub Requirements

Configuring the Conversation Hub is a multi-step process. Before the application can begin routing asynchronous activities to the appropriate queues, the following must be created or configured:

  1. Messaging Accounts: Messaging accounts for social media conversation channels must be associated with a particular social account. Likewise, channel adapters for accounts like SMS, WhatsApp, or Apple Messages for Business must also be associated with the appropriate account. 

  2. Messaging Adapter: Select the conversation format for the channel and upload any custom messages the channel should use. A messaging adapter is provided by default, but new adapters can also be created. For more information, see Configuring Messaging Adapters.

  3. Channel Configuration: Select the conversation channel type, the messaging adapter, the entry point that this conversation channel uses, and any virtual assistant configuration that should be incorporated into the channel. For more information, see Creating Channel Configurations.

Messaging Accounts

Messaging accounts can be configured to enable engagement with customers in a format similar to web chat through digital social channels, text messaging, and other platforms. The following accounts can be configured:

  1. Apple Messages for Business

  2. Facebook Messenger

  3. SMS

  4. X Direct Messages (DMs)

  5. WhatsApp Messages

Accounts for Facebook and X that are configured for chat and messaging can also be used in creating Facebook and X streams and social posts by social media managers. Note that social messaging accounts only create activities for private communications (visible to only the agent and the customer) for X DMs and Facebook messages. Public social activities, such as tweets and Facebook wall posts, are created by social accounts. For more information, see About Social Media Accounts or the eGain Administrator’s Guide to Email and Social Resources.

Administrators must have the Create Social Account action assigned to be able to create X and Facebook messaging accounts.

Each messaging account has its own set of restrictions and features when integrated with the application via the Conversation Hub.  For a complete view of the features that are supported by each channel, see Supported Features for Channel Interactions. For a complete view of the types of attachments that each channel supports, see Supported Attachments for Channel Interactions.

You can also configure a new channel using the Bring Your Own Channel (BYOC) capability that allows users to connect any number of new channels, that are not supported out-of-the-box, to eGain Conversation Hub via published APIs. For more information on how to configure your own channel, see Bring-your-own-channel.

Related Topics
  1. About Entry Points

  2. Chat Settings