About Report Schedules

Report Schedules can be used to automate the running of reports and their distribution. For example, users can schedule a weekly report to run automatically at the end of the week and arrive in theirinbox ready for them at the start of the following week. Alternatively, they could schedule a report to go to your upper management or to another distribution list as required. Scheduled reports are sent as email attachments in one of the following editable or read-only formats: 

  • PDF document

  • Excel spreadsheet

  • HTML

  • Comma-separated file (CSV)

  • Web Archive (an offline report format)

A report schedule defines when and how frequently the report should be run, the parameters for the report and where to send the report output. You can schedule a report to run once or regularly. A given report may have multiple schedules and each schedule can have different parameters and/or recipients.

Each report schedule is assigned to an owner, which is initially the user who created the report. Report parameters are based on the owner’s permissions. For example, if a default parameter set is used to report on the owner’s business area, then any resources outside of this scope will not be included in the report. In addition, if the owner of a schedule has their user account disabled (for example, because they have not logged in for a long time), then the schedule will also be disabled. A schedule can be assigned to another user if it is still required after the original owner has moved on from their current role in the business.

Schedules are generally managed on a report-by-report basis. Administrators can also mange schedules on an owner-by-owner basis, so if a particular user moves on, then all of that user’s schedules can be re-assigned to new owners from a single place. See Managing User Report Schedules.

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