Configuring Article Properties

The Properties pane appears when an article is selected. When an article is checked out and can be edited, the properties for the article can be viewed and configured in the Properties pane. The following information is displayed for all articles in the initial sections of the Properties pane:

  • Last Modified By: The user who made the most recent saved changes to the article.

  • Last Modified On: The date on which the most changes to the article were made.

  • Language: Displays the language of the article. The value in the field is automatically selected and cannot be changed. It can have one of the following values: English (US), English (UK), Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal), Norwegian (Nynorsk), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

  • Created By: The user who created the article.

  • Created On: The date on which the article was created.

  • Owned By: The owner of the article. You can click the Edit  button to change the owner for the article.

  • Translation Status: This field denotes whether the article in the current language has been updated after the article in the primary language has been updated. 

  • Publishing Dates:

    • Availability date: Select a date when the article should become available for use in the portal, Advisor Desktop, and workflows, etc. By default, the availability date is set as the date the article is created.

    • Expiry Date: Select an expiration date for the article. If you want the article you are creating to become unavailable to the users on a particular date, you can give an expiration date for the article. The article is automatically withdrawn on the given date. For example, if you are creating an article about a special offer being given to the customers for a period of one month, and you want the article should be withdrawn on a particular date, you can give an expiration date for the article.

      The Availability and Expiry dates for the article are always displayed in the local time zone of the user even when the specified time zone is different. 

  • Article Type

  • Custom Attributes: Any custom attributes that are assigned to the article.

Additional properties can be configured to be displayed in the Properties pane. These properties can be accessed by clicking the Settings  button. You can enable or disable these settings by clicking the Toggle  button next to the desired property. The property sections that can be configured to be displayed include: 

  • Questions: Guided Help questions that use this article in the flow. For more details, see Creating Questions.

  • Notes: Notes attached to the article. For more details, see Viewing Notes Associated With Articles.

  • Attachments: Files that are attached to the article. For more details, see Adding Attachments.

  • Metadata: Metadata details assigned to the article. For details about metadata, see Adding Metadata.

  • Topics: Topics assigned to the article. For more details, see About Topics.

  • Related Articles: Articles that have been marked as related to this article.  For more details, see Configuring Related Articles.

  • Classifications: Categories or Resolution Codes assigned to the article. For more details, see Associating Classifications

  • Macro: The name of the macro assigned to the article. This can be used as a shortcut for the article. For more details on macros and how to create them, see Macros.

  • Article Image: Allows you to enter the URL of an image, which is displayed in the portal when it is one of the Popular Articles within a topic. The optimal size for the image is 100 pixels by 100 pixels. The image should be accessible from the internet.

  • Personalization: Personalization tags assigned to the article. For more details about Personalization, see About Personalization.

  • Read And Sign Policy: The compliance policies applied to this article. For more details, see Viewing Compliance Policies.

  • Suggestions: The suggestions given for this article. For more details, see Viewing Article Suggestions