Bulk Upload Data Types
Bulk upload uses the following data types:
SNC means Standard Naming Convention. This is alphanumeric data with no exclamation marks or hyphens, although underscores (_) are permitted.
BOOLEAN means one of the following values:
Empty field. Leaving these fields empty defaults the field to FALSE.
Y/N is similar to Boolean however it can only contain the values Y or N.
Date format is the universal date format <Year>-<Month>-<Day> for example 2006-08-30.
CSS means a valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) style definition, for example color:black; background-color: #e08000
CSS Styled List
Any Data Type marked with a hyphen (-) means that there are no constraints on what you can put in the field (except for the constraints imposed by the native CSV format).
Where a column supports a list of values (for example, an agent may belong to multiple skill groups) separate each skill group with a semi-colon (;) character, for example Skillgroup1; Skillgroup2; Skillgroup3.
Make sure that the value you specify for each field is a valid value for that data type. The upload will fail with an error if any values are invalid.
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