Using the Bulk Upload Tool

Starting a Bulk Upload

Do not upload more than 500 items per CSV file.

To start a bulk upload:
  1. Open the Resource Manager page.

  2. Select the required folder.

  3. Click on Upload in the Folder Tree panel and then select the item type you want to bulk upload from the drop-down list. The Bulk Upload Control page displays.

  4. Select a template for your chosen resource. The template link is present in the horizontal toolbar near the top of the page. Once selected, a download box is presented allowing you to save this CSV file onto your machine.

  5. Open the template in the editor you require (such as Notepad) and begin to enter your data or paste it from another source.

  6. Return to the Bulk Upload Control page and make sure the path is set correctly.

    This path is only used if you have removed the Path column in the CSV file. This option is not available for folders.

  7. Browse to the CSV file you have just entered the data into.

  8. Click Upload.

A progress bar at the bottom of the screen displays the upload progress.

Bulk Upload Errors

If something goes wrong during the bulk upload, you may want to pause the upload and check why an item failed. For more information about possible reasons for bulk upload failures, see Reasons for Upload Failure.

If the upload tool encounters a problem that affects all rows and not just the current one, an alert box appears that describes the problem’s description and returns you to the Bulk Upload Control page.

Once every row has been processed a summary dialog appears to inform you of how many rows failed and how many passed. Please note this dialog does not give you the result of provisioning these items onto the host system, only the result of uploading the items into eGain Analytics.

Reasons for Upload Failure

The table below details some reasons why an upload might fail.


Exception Type


No Capacity Left

The capacity limit has been reached.

Enterprise Name Already Exists

The enterprise name already exists.

Login Name Already Exists

The peripheral login name already exists.

SQL Exception

SQL error during upload, usually due to bad data.

Argument Exception

An attribute contains a bad value. This usually occurs when you have an empty string in the Path column when attempting to upload items which cannot be contained in the Root folder.

Security Exception

You do not have security permissions to upload to the folder.

Format Exception

Invalid data in a column.

No Identity Available

Identity not available.

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